  1. 2. an olympic gold _____
  2. 6. run as fast as you can
  3. 7. a hockey ______
  4. 9. tennis ______
  5. 11. where matches are played
  6. 14. you need them to tell teams apart
  7. 17. butterfly stroke, front stroke
  8. 18. you take your dog on one
  9. 19. P.E. is so much _____
  1. 1. this involves a team with 5 players defending the basket
  2. 3. drinking water and eating veg is _______
  3. 4. h20
  4. 5. you need one to go sailing
  5. 8. this has a racket, net and ball
  6. 10. you can't play this sport without a bat and stumps
  7. 12. a _____ plays a match together
  8. 13. neigh, neigh
  9. 14. _______ as high as you can
  10. 15. a really fast jog
  11. 16. moana loves this