  1. 3. The most important thing in swimming.
  2. 6. The winner is someone who succeed in hurting other.
  3. 7. A place where you throw something to get a point.
  4. 8. Just like a spiderman.
  5. 11. The happiest at the end of the match.
  6. 13. Sport which allow the player to kill the enemy.
  7. 15. On the middle of badminton field.
  8. 16. The most famous football player on Portugal.
  9. 17. The heaviest sport in the world.
  1. 1. No run allowed in this sport.
  2. 2. Basic skill of basketball.
  3. 4. Sport which need animal-taming skill.
  4. 5. The lowest sport in the world.
  5. 9. Animal which has correlation with swimming.
  6. 10. Winning without skill.
  7. 12. Sport which only focusing on one spot.
  8. 14. Get stepped in every match.
  9. 18. Two naked fat men pushing each other to win.