
  1. 3. быстро
  2. 5. A bag
  3. 8. An orange vegetable
  4. 10. Riding a bike
  5. 12. You see yourself in that
  6. 13. хорошо
  7. 14. медленно
  8. 15. A person who plays
  9. 16. Winter sport
  10. 18. Running, jumping
  11. 21. Group of people who play together
  12. 22. A prize you win
  13. 23. An instrument you play tennis with
  1. 1. Yellow card, Red card
  2. 2. A place you play tennis
  3. 4. Hit a ball with your foot
  4. 6. осторожно
  5. 7. A person or team who wins
  6. 9. Shoes you wear when you do sport
  7. 10. Чемпионат
  8. 11. тихо
  9. 17. CLothes you wear on your hands
  10. 19. A material for clothes
  11. 20. Clothes you put on over a T-shirt