
  1. 5. to hit a ball with your foot
  2. 6. a person in a particular kind of game
  3. 9. a person who trains a sports player or a team
  4. 11. the game played on ice
  5. 12. a large building usually without a roof where people watch sports events
  6. 13. people who like watching sports very much
  7. 14. a group of people who play a sport or a game
  8. 15. to take part in a fight
  9. 16. sportsmen hit the ball over it when they play tennis or volleyball
  10. 17. the head,leader of particular team
  1. 1. the points the sportsmen or teams get during a game or sports event
  2. 2. a large area used for sports such as football or grass hockey
  3. 3. a person whose job is to make sure that sportsmen obey the rules
  4. 4. equal score
  5. 7. that is how Americans call football
  6. 8. to show worse results than another sportsman or team
  7. 9. an organized event where sportsmen try to show that they are better than others and get prizes
  8. 10. an area where some sports are played, such as tennis or squash
  9. 14. a game in which two players strike a ball with rackets over a net
  10. 15. be successful in a contest