- 5. A sport that americans called football
- 7. The number of points, goals, runs
- 8. An award that is kinda heavy
- 10. What sport starts with c that plays on a field
- 13. You through it to a different team mate
- 15. Sport that wears a helmet and that uses a bat
- 16. Another term for goalkeeper or goaltender
- 17. People that are on opposite sides
- 18. Active thing what you do in water
- 19. Opposite of walking
- 1. A type of uniform that is worn by players
- 2. Person that leads the game
- 3. Whats the name of the small green ball
- 4. A place where sports people sometimes train
- 6. Sport what most people love playing
- 9. People who play sport are called__
- 11. Person that refs the game
- 12. Sport based on and simplifying cricket, baseball and softball
- 14. Place where sports are played
- 17. A thing you hit a tennis ball with