  1. 2. A sport where you try and hit the ball into a hole (4)
  2. 4. The world basketball league is the ___ (3)
  3. 9. You move the ball in football by _________ (9)
  4. 10. A game you can only touch the ball with your feet (8)
  5. 11. The __ created rugby (2)
  6. 12. A goal in rugby is called a ___ (3)
  1. 1. You play basketball on a _____ (5)
  2. 3. You catch a animal with a rod in this sport (7)
  3. 5. The NZ mens rugby team (9)
  4. 6. The thing you use to move while kayaking (6)
  5. 7. A sport with wickets and bats (6)
  6. 8. Lots of sports keep you ___ and healthy (3)
  7. 10. sports are somtimes ___ (3)