
  1. 3. A team sport in which two teams of seven players each, throwing the ball in the air using their fists around a court.
  2. 5. The person controlling a sports game
  3. 7. A bat and ball sport that involves hitting a ball bowled at high speeds towards the edge of the circular field.
  4. 8. A team sport that is played between two teams of 3 or 4 and involves a field with two goals while mounting horses.
  5. 10. A water sport that combines several elements of surfing and sailing, which consists of a board that is usually 2 to 2 and a half meters in length.
  6. 11. A team sport in which players on two teams throw balls at each other to try and hit a part of the body, which is done while avoiding being hit themselves.
  7. 12. It basically refers to swimming through a body of water with a diving
  8. 14. A martial art originated in Japan
  9. 16. It involves players sliding stones over a sheet of ice towards a target area that is divided into four concentric circles.
  10. 17. It involves two athletes punching each other in the upper body until the match is over, someone either taps out, gets knocked out, or lasts until the end of the rounds.
  11. 18. It involves running and jumping with the help of a pole over increasing heights.
  12. 19. A recreational sport that involves jumping out of a plane from a significant height with a parachute.
  1. 1. A surface water sport in which the wave rider has to anticipate the wave and make his or her way through it.
  2. 2. A popular team sport that involves maneuvering a ball around a netted court by using just the hands while not allowing the ball to touch the ground.
  3. 3. It involves two teams of eleven players each maneuvering a ball around a court with two goals
  4. 4. A combat-related sport that is akin to sword fighting. It involves trying to find an opening in the defense of the opponent and penetrating it.
  5. 6. An attitude of fairness, respect for opponents, and graciousness in winning or losing
  6. 9. Also known as ping pong.
  7. 13. This is a form of weight lifting that involves lifting the heaviest weights possible
  8. 15. It is considered a popular physical activity that involves team effort, various stretching exercises and training, and is mostly performed in groups.
  9. 16. Sports trainer