
  1. 4. uses a medium size ball and has to get it over a net
  2. 6. A broad game that uses a king and a queen
  3. 10. Someone that teaches the players
  4. 13. Like lawn bowling but played on a shorter and trying to get the ball closer to the jack(ball)
  5. 15. you are aiming at a target to hit and use a bow and arrow
  6. 17. You are outside and race people to the finish line
  7. 18. You use a small racket and try to get the birdy over the net
  8. 20. You play this outside and have to wear a helmet and American sport
  9. 21. A person that is athletic and plays sports
  10. 23. A sport that involves flipping, tumbling and swinging in 4 events
  11. 25. You are in the water
  12. 26. You are on a matt and try to pin your opponent down
  1. 1. A sport that uses a racket and small neon yellow ball
  2. 2. You use a club and a and it is played outside
  3. 3. you play this outside and use your feet and call GOAL when you make a point
  4. 5. You use an orange medium size ball and get it in the hoop
  5. 7. You are in a car and race other people
  6. 8. On ice and use a puck and a stick
  7. 9. you are in a ring and use gloves and fight someone
  8. 11. Use a wicket and ball played against two teams
  9. 12. you use a small white ball with red stitches, a glove, and a bat
  10. 14. People that are on the same team playing together
  11. 16. A sport that uses a small neon yellow ball and girls play it
  12. 19. A sport that involves body movements to music
  13. 22. the ball is thrown, caught, and carried with a long-handled stick having a curved L-shaped
  14. 24. You are inside and use a heavy ball to knock over some pins