
  1. 4. HOCKEY - Fast-paced sport played on ice, involving skating and shooting a puck into the opponent's net.
  2. 7. - Bat-and-ball sport played between two teams, known for its long matches.
  3. 9. - Sport played with a bat and ball between two teams, involving fielding and hitting.
  4. 10. - Popular team sport played with a round ball and goals.
  5. 14. - Combat sport involving grappling techniques and pinning an opponent to the ground.
  6. 16. ONE - High-speed auto racing sport featuring specialized open-wheel racing cars.
  7. 17. - Sport played with racquets and a shuttlecock, over a net, in singles or doubles matches.
  8. 18. - Sport involving physical exercises, flexibility, balance, and coordination.
  9. 19. TENNIS - Indoor sport played on a table, involving small paddles and a lightweight ball.
  10. 20. - Game in which players use clubs to hit a small ball into a series of holes on a course.
  1. 1. - Sport or recreational activity of riding and performing tricks on a skateboard.
  2. 2. - Collection of sporting events including track and field, sprints, jumps, and throws.
  3. 3. - Winter sport that involves descending a snow-covered slope on a board.
  4. 5. - Sport or activity of riding bicycles, often in races or long-distance rides.
  5. 6. - Game played with two teams aiming to score points by shooting a ball through a hoop.
  6. 8. - Contact team sport played with an oval-shaped ball, involving tackling and scoring tries.
  7. 11. - Team sport played with a ball over a net, involving passing, setting, and spiking.
  8. 12. - Activity or sport of moving through water using one's limbs.
  9. 13. - Sport played with rackets and a ball, usually in singles or doubles matches.
  10. 15. - Combat sport involving punching and defense within a roped square ring.