- 2. tennis with your hands white ball
- 4. push ups combined with juoing
- 6. people fight with big gloves
- 8. very aggresive popular 1 sunday each year at bars
- 9. nets are high up
- 12. makying butter fly catchers into a sport
- 14. the name of this sport is also a name of a bug
- 15. making an x with your body while jumping
- 17. using your feet knees and ankles you can do this
- 20. used in everysport what you do on tredmils
- 1. very small nets and winter
- 3. the sport that uses the thng you wack badies with
- 5. baseball but softer
- 7. popular with women goes before "mat" weird positions
- 10. the ball is black and white
- 11. your gonna need a cliff and some rope
- 13. most popular water sport
- 16. football but no padding
- 18. pushing youself up and down
- 19. yellow fury ball start of the bee movie