Sports Nutrition

  1. 2. Dehydration increases your rate of _________ exertion
  2. 5. Should make up 60% of an athletes total kilojoules
  3. 6. Cordial/soft-drinks/fruit Juices/Energy drinks are not reccomended for sports hydration because they are high in _____.
  4. 7. refers to a state of inadequate fluid levels in the body
  5. 8. The use of sports drinks can affect your ______ health.
  6. 9. Regulates body temperature
  7. 11. ______ should be consumed 1-2 hours before an event to supplement the previous meal.
  8. 12. Is one ingredient of a sports drink
  9. 14. 6-8% is the suggested _____________ of carbohydates in sports drinks
  10. 15. Calcium, Iron, Sodium
  11. 18. The original method of carbohydrate loading
  1. 1. ____________ _______ is a strategy to maximize muscle glycogen levels prior to endurance sport
  2. 3. Provides amino acids the body can't produce itself
  3. 4. dehydration increases your _________
  4. 10. The main focus of nutrition DURING activity is _________.
  5. 13. The most appropriate form of carbohydrate loading
  6. 16. Assists with growth and repair of body cells
  7. 17. Provides energy to the body