  1. 5. Play on an ice rink
  2. 6. Team of 2 members, play outdoor, usually on the beach
  3. 12. Tour of France, need a bike
  4. 14. Combat sport, need protective gloves
  5. 15. Winter sport, have to jumpimg ramp
  6. 16. Winter Olympic game, need snow, have to be fast, slaloms
  7. 17. On ice rink, using skates, practice with music
  8. 18. Need a car, have to be the first at the end
  9. 20. American typical sport, league MLB
  1. 1. 15 members in a team, play outdoor, leagues RSL,NRFL
  2. 2. Dance in the water
  3. 3. 7 players, use hand or arm, two period of 30 minutes, need a ball
  4. 4. Race with horses
  5. 7. Play with shuttlecock
  6. 8. Need a ball, most famous sport in the world
  7. 9. Have to be fast in the water
  8. 10. Can be played single or doubles, need a racket
  9. 11. Run fast
  10. 13. Sport indoor, 5 members per side, NBA sport
  11. 19. Play outdoor, need clubs and balls