Spring 1 - 19th Century Fiction & Frankenstein

  1. 4. What must your points always be supported with?
  2. 8. Victor refused to make the monster one of these
  3. 9. 19th Century fiction often has multi-______ sentences
  4. 11. Where was the central 'Hub' for Victorian Literature?
  5. 13. Words like mostly, totally, slightly are examples of ______ adverbs
  6. 14. This is often more complex or archaic in 19th C fiction
  1. 1. She wrote 'Frankenstein'
  2. 2. People often mistakenly call the monster this
  3. 3. Victor died of this infection
  4. 5. Victor refers to his creation as this evil being
  5. 6. Skill of judging how well something is done
  6. 7. Which word beginning with 'd' means 'shows'?
  7. 8. The monster is also reffered to as...
  8. 10. What genre is 'Frankenstein'?
  9. 12. ______ field is a collection of words that link in meaning