
  1. 3. when a chick leaves it's egg
  2. 5. a flower typically grown by the Dutch
  3. 6. these fall on your head in April
  4. 10. a light wind
  5. 11. in April you might need one of these
  6. 15. going to a park to eat on a blanket
  7. 17. appears in the sky after it rains
  8. 18. April __________ bring May flowers
  1. 1. a light rain
  2. 2. baby chicken
  3. 4. this month
  4. 7. when water gathers in the street
  5. 8. another word for rabbit
  6. 9. the flower of a tree
  7. 12. the flowers will soon
  8. 13. you fly these in the sky
  9. 14. not cold, not hot, in the middle
  10. 16. what birds make in the spring