
  1. 5. April showers bring ___ Flowers
  2. 6. Baby flowers
  3. 7. One in the fall and one in the winter
  4. 11. Drops fall from the sky
  5. 13. Tweet Tweet
  6. 14. Many go to Florida on _______ _______(2 words)
  7. 15. Don't take their lucky charms
  1. 1. Snow melts to reveal ______
  2. 2. Colorful insects
  3. 3. These are due on April 18th
  4. 4. What water becomes after rain
  5. 8. Come out in rain
  6. 9. Colorful blooming
  7. 10. Pot of gold is found at the end of it
  8. 12. Geese do this before and after winter