
  1. 2. The month of showers
  2. 3. Insect that pollinates flowers
  3. 5. Farm animal bred and born in Spring
  4. 8. Spring ____ Fall back
  5. 10. When the day and night are equally as long.
  6. 11. April ____ Day - a day dedicated to playing practical jokes on friends
  7. 13. An outdoor meal
  1. 1. This happens when people are affected by too much pollen
  2. 4. Small animal with big ears
  3. 6. Flowers do this in Spring
  4. 7. A gentle wind
  5. 9. Spring flower
  6. 10. Chocolate snack ate at Easter
  7. 12. The 40 days leading up to Easter
  8. 14. Spring_____ Yearly clear out