
  1. 6. Drops of water that fall from clouds
  2. 8. Protection against the rain
  3. 9. What happens in April to bring May Flowers?
  4. 10. A spring flower
  5. 14. A day for playing tricks
  6. 15. Weather marked by strong gusts
  7. 16. Most popular holiday during Spring
  8. 17. Small red insect with black spots
  1. 1. Something you ride that has two wheels
  2. 2. Not too cold or hot
  3. 3. Third month of the year
  4. 4. There are four of these each year
  5. 5. Turns into a butterfly
  6. 7. Built by animals to hold eggs
  7. 11. Spectrum of light in the sky after rain
  8. 12. Mother's Day is celebrated this month
  9. 13. Flying a ___ is the perfect spring activity!