
  1. 1. , It is the process of flowers opening up and showing their full beauty.
  2. 2. It is the act of making something new or fresh again, often associated with the arrival of spring.
  3. 5. , It describes something that is new, clean, and full of vitality, like the air and scents of spring.
  4. 6. , It is the bright light and warmth that comes from the sun during the day.
  5. 8. It is the process of ice or snow turning into water due to the increasing temperatures of spring.
  6. 10. , It is an open field or grassy area where flowers and plants grow abundantly.
  7. 12. It is the process of plants becoming bigger and developing new leaves and stems.
  8. 13. They are colorful insects with delicate wings that emerge from their cocoons in the spring.
  1. 1. , They are feathered creatures that often migrate back to their habitats during the spring season.
  2. 3. It is an outdoor meal or gathering that people often enjoy during the pleasant weather of spring.
  3. 4. , It is a gentle and refreshing wind that blows during the spring season.
  4. 7. They are small drops of water that fall from the sky during a rain shower.
  5. 9. , It describes a lively and cheerful atmosphere or behavior often associated with the spring season.
  6. 11. , They are colorful and fragrant plants that bloom during the spring season.
  7. 12. It is the color of grass and leaves when they are fresh and full of life.