
  1. 2. we plant flowers in a __ in the spring.
  2. 4. You can hear me chirping, what am I?
  3. 5. I am a flower that attracts hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies
  4. 7. you can hear me buzzing.
  5. 9. What begins to bloom in the spring?
  6. 10. we use an umbrella for__
  7. 11. when I come around all the clocks spring forward
  8. 14. the leprechaun is looking for this at the end of a rainbow
  9. 15. I am a caterpillar, who hibernates in a cocoon until I fly free in the spring.
  10. 16. on March 17th (St. Patrick's Day)people wear this color
  1. 1. I can melt in the warm places, and I am also a candy in your Easter basket.
  2. 3. I am bare in the winter and leaves grow on me in the spring, who am I?
  3. 4. whose cute and furry that reminds us of spring.
  4. 6. I am a tree in which two colors of flowers grow, who am I?
  5. 8. season after winter.
  6. 12. I am green and grow from the ground towards the sun
  7. 13. When I understand what you are feeling, I am showing__