
  1. 3. What eggs eventually do
  2. 5. The date of which we celebrate mothers
  3. 8. A popular flower in spring
  4. 9. The thing you use to keep dry from the rain
  5. 10. A winged insect that comes in a variety of colours
  6. 11. The animal that comes back in Spring that live in our ponds
  7. 13. Shoes for the rain
  8. 14. The season after winter
  9. 15. What's the first month of spring?
  10. 18. A name for a young duck
  11. 20. The day we celebrate mothers
  1. 1. The break we have in school each year in spring
  2. 2. What is it called when time is moved back an hour?
  3. 4. Insects that collect pollen to make honey
  4. 6. Red insect with red spots
  5. 7. After a rain shower what colourful thing might you see?
  6. 12. A meal in the park
  7. 16. A day to play pranks
  8. 17. A small pool of water
  9. 19. What colour is grass when it's spring?