
  1. 3. Tulips, hyacinths, crocus all grow from these.
  2. 6. A colourful arc in the sky after rain.
  3. 10. A tree that sap is collected from in spring.
  4. 11. A religious holiday in spring.
  5. 13. The Easter Bunny hides these treats.
  6. 14. A wooly baby animal.
  1. 1. A small area where water has collected.
  2. 2. A bird that appears at the beginning of spring.
  3. 4. A light rain.
  4. 5. A name of a fowl used with "spring", meaning young.
  5. 7. New growth on tree branches, or unopened flowers.
  6. 8. A term for a feeling of restlessness in spring.
  7. 9. A personal shelter from the rain with a handle.
  8. 12. Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter are all these.