
  1. 2. Small, shallow pool of water
  2. 3. Temperature in May
  3. 4. A week off for spring _____
  4. 7. Tool used for protection from rain or sun
  5. 9. Reduce, reuse, ________
  6. 11. Spring sport played on a diamond
  7. 16. Used to cut grass
  8. 17. Used to water outside
  9. 19. _____ training in Florida
  10. 22. Bird that drinks nectar
  11. 24. Rain mixed with dirt makes ______
  1. 1. April showers bring May _____
  2. 5. Spring sniffles
  3. 6. Spring ________ or organizing
  4. 8. _____ Day parade
  5. 10. Fun to fly when it's windy
  6. 12. Often planted in spring
  7. 13. During spring the days start to get _______
  8. 14. Sugary, yellow chick
  9. 15. Shoes used to avoid mud or water
  10. 18. Environmental holiday in spring
  11. 20. Meal eaten outdoors
  12. 21. Light wind
  13. 23. Flowers begin to _____