
  1. 2. Flower from the Netherlands
  2. 4. March madness is for what sport
  3. 8. This is a religious holiday in spring
  4. 9. What causes allergies in spring
  5. 11. This falls from the sky in spring
  6. 13. Many people have Easter egg ____
  7. 15. What you plant to make tulips grow
  8. 17. Environmental holiday in spring
  9. 18. After spring it's____
  10. 20. This animal's shadow decides when spring starts
  1. 1. When does spring end
  2. 3. This sport starts in the spring
  3. 5. In spring ___ start chirping again
  4. 6. March comes in like a ___ and out like a lamb
  5. 7. The color leaves turn in spring
  6. 10. April flowers bring May ____
  7. 12. A fluffy baby animal in spring
  8. 14. What you plant to make flowers grow
  9. 16. Spring has ____
  10. 19. When does spring start