
  1. 2. Spring comes in like a lion and goes out like a _____.
  2. 8. A day where you pull pranks (2 words).
  3. 10. Colorful and comes after rain.
  4. 12. What chicks hatch from.
  5. 13. Leaves turn this color in spring.
  6. 14. They make honey.
  1. 1. They might hide the sun.
  2. 3. A basketball event in the spring (2 words).
  3. 4. Spring holiday where a bunny lays eggs.
  4. 5. A tiny pool of rainwater
  5. 6. A flower on a tree.
  6. 7. A popular, colorful spring flower starting with "t".
  7. 9. A soft wind.
  8. 11. Spring means that ________ is over.