
  1. 2. A Holiday celebrated with eggs
  2. 5. Day of practical jokes
  3. 7. Baby duck
  4. 8. Sport that begins this season
  5. 9. You plant a bulb to grow this flower
  6. 11. Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
  7. 12. A meal in the park
  8. 14. March comes in like a ___ and goes out like a lamb
  9. 16. Pollinating insects
  1. 1. Might lead you to a pot of gold
  2. 3. Rihanna sings about this item you might use to keep dry
  3. 4. Baby cow
  4. 6. "I'm walking on ____!"
  5. 10. Their shadow determines if Winter is ending
  6. 13. April ____ bring May flowers
  7. 14. Baby sheep
  8. 15. "Let's go fly a ___"