Spring Crossword

  1. 2. a lucky plant.
  2. 6. A red spring berry.
  3. 8. A place used to grow plants.
  4. 9. A big fluffy thing in the sky.
  5. 11. A newborn bird.
  6. 13. A colorful bug.
  7. 14. Something that birds lay.
  8. 15. Common weather in the spring.
  1. 1. What blooms in the spring?
  2. 3. Spring holiday.
  3. 4. The current season.
  4. 5. A meal you eat in the park.
  5. 7. Bug that pollinates flowers.
  6. 10. used to draw on the sidewalk
  7. 12. Something that flies in the wind.
  8. 13. An animal commonly associated with spring.