Spring crossword

  1. 2. beautiful sight in the morning
  2. 3. solar energy that results in sun burn
  3. 6. running sport in the spring season
  4. 9. makes your nose run and your eyes water
  5. 11. these bloom in the spring
  6. 15. pesky bugs in the spring
  7. 16. gust of wind also known as a ____
  1. 1. bundle of flowers
  2. 3. when night is around the corner the sky turns red and orange
  3. 4. Season in between winter and summer
  4. 5. beverage to stay hydrated during the heat
  5. 7. Macarena is a example of a type of _____
  6. 8. flowers do this in the spring
  7. 10. popular sport in the spring and fall
  8. 12. popular flower in the spring and summer
  9. 13. makes your allergies act up and results in stuffy nose and watering eyes
  10. 14. this occurs when it rains and then the sun comes out right after