Spring Crossword Puzzle

  1. 1. A fluffy spring animal.
  2. 2. Spring ends in.
  3. 4. In spring the days get __.
  4. 7. April showers bring __ __. (2 words no space)
  5. 10. Spring festival in Washington DC. (3 words no space)
  6. 15. This bird is usually a signal of spring (also a superhero)
  7. 16. A form of precipitation
  8. 17. What causes allergies?
  9. 19. Rain__the earth.
  10. 20. Greek goddess of Spring.
  1. 1. This American sports season starts in spring.
  2. 3. In spring __ start chirping again.
  3. 5. Shadow may determine when spring starts.
  4. 6. Spring flower known for resiliency.
  5. 8. Enviromental holiday in spring. (2 words no space)
  6. 9. You might need this for allergy season.
  7. 11. Gentle wind.
  8. 12. Marks the start of Spring.
  9. 13. March comes in like a ___ and out like a lamb.
  10. 14. In spring the leaves turn __ again.
  11. 18. Spring flowers, famous in the Netherlands.