Spring Crossword Puzzle

  1. 1. In the Northern Hemisphere, the spring equinox marks 6 months of _______
  2. 6. The Chinese celebrate spring as their ______
  3. 7. A spring bulb that contains 2 f's
  4. 9. Persian new year
  5. 10. Animal that sings a lot spring
  6. 14. Spring festival of colors celebrated in India
  7. 15. Spring begins on the Vernal ______
  8. 16. A Christian spring holiday
  1. 2. This year, spring will be on the ______ of March
  2. 3. Japan's national flower, that signifies the start of spring
  3. 4. The month of March is named after this Roman god - or planet
  4. 5. Bloom in spring
  5. 8. Spring flower that means 'lion tooth'
  6. 11. In spring the days get _______
  7. 12. Birth flower of February
  8. 13. In the Southern Hemisphere, spring is in _______