Spring Final Review

  1. 2. kingdom that is multicellular, heterotrophs, asexual
  2. 4. hottest planet
  3. 10. nonliving factors in an ecosystem
  4. 11. rate of motion
  5. 12. cause of Neptune’s blue appearance
  6. 15. controls the amount of light to pass through
  7. 18. first to state the heliocentric theory
  8. 22. comet’s tail always points…
  9. 24. 40X objective lens
  10. 27. focus you change FIRST on a microscope
  11. 28. discovered Uranus
  12. 31. we can thank Linnaeus for this
  13. 33. where long term comets are
  14. 34. these are found between Mars and Jupiter
  15. 37. paramecium use to move with
  16. 38. on a graph, acceleration is this shape
  17. 39. asexual reproduction in bacteria
  18. 42. type of energy that travels in waves through a vacuum
  19. 44. provides energy for the cell
  20. 45. where Pluto can be found
  21. 46. smaller, loose DNA, simple, no membrane bound organelles
  22. 49. when energy is given to another object but does not change forms
  23. 50. leftover/catch all kingdom
  24. 51. Halley’s comet is this type of comet
  25. 53. an object at rest stays at rest unless acted upon by an outside force
  26. 55. splitting of atoms
  27. 56. chunk in atmosphere
  1. 1. structures bacteria use to stick and hold
  2. 2. push or a pull
  3. 3. kingdom that is multicellular, autotrophs, sexual/asexual
  4. 5. discovered by math
  5. 6. plant and protest kingdom belong to this domain
  6. 7. unit of force
  7. 8. protest that has pseudopods
  8. 9. provides storage for the cell
  9. 13. type of atmosphere composed of atoms blasted off the surface
  10. 14. heat transfer by direct contact
  11. 16. Venus and Uranus have this in common
  12. 17. kingdom that is prokaryotic, can cause disease
  13. 19. Mars inactive volcano
  14. 20. the main reason bacteria and archaebacteria were separated into 2 different kingdoms
  15. 21. energy stored within chemical bonds of a substance
  16. 23. archaebacterial that love to live in extreme temperatures
  17. 25. level where different populations interact
  18. 26. Great Red Spot is here
  19. 29. made of one cell
  20. 30. type of forces that cause no change in an object
  21. 32. a change in speed or direction
  22. 35. Saturn’s moon
  23. 36. one of the Galilean moons
  24. 37. where photosynthesis occurs in a plant cell
  25. 40. domain that is “ancient”
  26. 41. Aristotle thought this was how our solar system was arranged
  27. 43. produce their own food through photosynthesis
  28. 47. speed in a given direction
  29. 48. Mars’ moon
  30. 52. branch of science that studies classification
  31. 54. proved heliocentric theory