Spring Has Sprung

  1. 1. St. _______ Day
  2. 4. not as intense as a storm
  3. 6. flowers do this
  4. 8. Mr. Martin's favorite Spring activity
  5. 9. feel the cool ______
  6. 12. _____flower
  7. 13. causes allergies
  8. 15. you need this for planting
  9. 16. buzzing pollinators
  10. 18. marshmallow treats
  11. 19. many birds do this
  1. 2. religious holiday celebrated by Muslims during Spring
  2. 3. you are my _________
  3. 5. holiday celebrated by Christians during spring
  4. 6. beautiful insect
  5. 7. birth month of Mr. Martin's oldest daughter
  6. 9. animal associated with eggs that definitely does not lay eggs
  7. 10. ______friday
  8. 11. things that bloom
  9. 12. sown in spring
  10. 14. Mr. Martin fishes for this type of fish in spring
  11. 17. March 14th for math teachers