- 2. A Christian holiday celebrating Jesus rising from the dead. Many people decorate and search for eggs.
- 5. Holiday in the United States that marks the date Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Act, declaring slavery illegal.
- 7. Christian holiday where many people go to services and mark foreheads with ashes as a reminder to reflect on one's life and choices.
- 8. Hindu festival celebrating spring, love, and new life through festivals, dancing, singing, and throwing powder paint and colored water. Also known as the "festival of colors".
- 9. Week long holiday (known as "Fat Tuesday") celebrated in Latin America, parts of Europe, and in New Orleans with festive parades, dressing up, and food.
- 11. Western holiday that involves playing pranks on others throughout the day.
- 13. May 5th holiday that celebrates Mexican culture.
- 14. Muslim holiday of prayer, fasting, and charity lasting a month.
- 1. Holiday celebrating Irish culture through food, music, dancing, and wearing green.
- 3. Holiday on the first day of May celebrating springtime.
- 4. A Jewish holiday that celebrates their freedom from slavery in Egypt by having a "sedar" (dinner).
- 6. Muslim holiday celebrating the first day of spring with a kite-fighting contest.
- 10. Celebration of mothers
- 12. Jewish holiday marking the survival of the Jews in ancient Persia through plays, cookies, costume parties, and charity.