  1. 4. Spring, winter, summer, fall!
  2. 5. the young of a chicken
  3. 6. a colour of spring
  4. 8. a flower especially of a fruit tree
  5. 12. another word for rabbit
  6. 14. a long thin animal with no legs or bones
  7. 16. to stop being frozen
  8. 17. April showers bring May...
  9. 18. the fifth month of the year
  10. 19. what snow does in spring
  1. 1. plants that have narrow green leaves, that are eaten by cows, sheep, horses, etc.
  2. 2. to come out of an egg
  3. 3. an indoor and outdoor spring activity
  4. 5. when the sun is hidden
  5. 7. a colourful phenomenon that occurs after the rain
  6. 9. when the sun shines
  7. 10. an adult caterpillar
  8. 11. a spring month
  9. 13. the palce where a bird lays its eggs
  10. 15. a spring flower