Spring is Here

  1. 1. what you see everywhere
  2. 3. a celebration for our planet
  3. 6. the current season
  4. 7. The best pollinators
  5. 9. what you start in spring
  6. 10. this dreaded form of testing takes place in spring
  7. 13. what you can do when there is no school
  8. 14. the best sound to wake up to
  9. 16. this term describes the excitement felt at the beginning of spring
  1. 2. brought in by April showers
  2. 4. the state Flower
  3. 5. one of the best exercises to do in spring
  4. 8. The ____ get longer in spring.
  5. 11. What the flowers need to blossom
  6. 12. to sprout or develop
  7. 15. a celebration that occurs on a Sunday in spring