  1. 4. Next month is ___.
  2. 6. They are red. You can buy them in the supermarket.
  3. 8. Ichiro plays ___.
  4. 10. This animal has long ears.
  5. 11. There are three eggs in the ___.
  1. 1. It’s cold outside. You need a ___.
  2. 2. These animals can fly. They sing beautiful songs.
  3. 3. It’s raining outside. You need an ___.
  4. 4. I don’t like spring. I have ___.
  5. 5. This month is ___.
  6. 6. The weather is ___. Let’s go to the park!
  7. 7. They are white. They are in the sky.
  8. 9. March, April, ___.