
  1. 3. unopened flower
  2. 4. outdoor activity in the spring
  3. 7. grows leaves in the spring
  4. 8. insect with spots of red on its back
  5. 11. blooms in the spring
  6. 12. holiday celebrated in the spring
  7. 13. baby animal born in the spring
  8. 14. grows into a plant
  9. 16. tiny bird that visits flowers
  1. 1. insect that flutters around in the spring
  2. 2. fun to fly on a breezy day
  3. 4. needs water to grow
  4. 5. buzzing insect that pollinates flowers
  5. 6. appears after the rain
  6. 9. grows in the spring
  7. 10. bird that sings in the spring
  8. 11. amphibian that croaks in the spring
  9. 15. bright yellow flower