
  1. 2. Knitted garment
  2. 6. Brown furry reeds
  3. 7. Accumulation of water in one spot
  4. 9. Fishermen’s bait
  5. 14. Cirrus and Cumulus (pl)
  6. 16. Lavender hue
  7. 17. Search (for)
  8. 19. Wet and dismal
  9. 20. Cook food over flames
  10. 25. Winter footwear
  11. 26. Result of nasal irritation
  12. 27. Large stream
  13. 28. Fourth month
  14. 29. Discharge of atmospheric electricity
  15. 32. The brightest star in the sky
  16. 33. Overreaction to environmental factors
  17. 34. Cleaning clothes
  18. 36. Winter precipitation
  19. 38. Cut the grass
  20. 39. __ and lollipops
  21. 40. Eggs Object of Spring hunts
  22. 43. British rainwear
  23. 45. Alvin and his brothers
  24. 49. Windbreaker
  25. 50. Light purple
  26. 51. March vegetation
  27. 56. Stage production
  28. 57. Weather event with noise and lightning
  29. 58. Early spring flower
  30. 60. Backyard stone surface
  31. 61. Young rabbit
  32. 62. Emerald
  33. 63. Thaw
  1. 1. Lemon-coloured
  2. 3. Flowery month
  3. 4. Offspring
  4. 5. Water overflow
  5. 8. February forecaster
  6. 10. Frolicking
  7. 11. Removing dirt
  8. 12. Common yellow amaryllis
  9. 13. Winged singers
  10. 15. Keeps the rain off your head
  11. 18. Early avian sign of spring
  12. 21. Spore dust
  13. 22. Lawn
  14. 23. Single unit of liquid precipitation
  15. 24. horses and goats
  16. 30. Garden blooms
  17. 31. Arid
  18. 35. Flower from Holland
  19. 36. Raincoat
  20. 37. Tepid
  21. 41. Fluffy-tailed rodent
  22. 42. Two-wheeled transport
  23. 44. Fragrant purple flower bulb
  24. 46. Small lake
  25. 47. Not dry
  26. 48. Rosy
  27. 52. Canines
  28. 53. First name of Johnny Cash’s 2nd wife
  29. 54. To move in a purposeful manner
  30. 55. wash Where to clean your auto
  31. 57. up Minor seasonal adjustments
  32. 59. Overcast
  33. 61. Spring hat