
  1. 4. Greek Goddess of Spring
  2. 8. A form of precipitation
  3. 9. March comes in like this and out like a lamb
  4. 10. Spring flowers famous in the Netherlands
  5. 13. Spring festival in Washington DC
  6. 15. In Spring what starts chirping
  7. 16. A gentle wind
  1. 1. Spring flower known for its resiliency
  2. 2. Punxsutawney Phil is one of these critters
  3. 3. What brings May flowers?
  4. 5. This causes allergies
  5. 6. This American sports season starts in Spring
  6. 7. The month that Spring ends
  7. 11. Environmental day in Spring
  8. 12. A fluffy spring animal that hops
  9. 14. In spring leaves turn this color again