Springtime Puzzle

  1. 4. “Behold, my friends, the Spring is come; the earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun, and we shall soon see the results of their____!” Sitting Bull
  2. 5. Spring is the ____ of year when it is Summer in the Sun and Winter in the shade" Charles Dickens
  3. 6. An ______ is the human personification of spring. Susan J. Bissonette
  4. 8. "No matter how long the winter, ______ is sure to follow" Proverb
  5. 10. "Sweet April ________ Do May Flowers" Thomas Tusser
  6. 11. Spring is when life's _____ in everything. Christina Rossetti
  7. 12. "April prepares her _____ traffic light and the world thinks GO" Christopher Morley
  8. 14. Spring is nature’s way of saying, “Let’s _____!” Robin Williams
  1. 1. "Spring has come when you can put your foot on three ______" Mark Twain
  2. 2. "Ne'er cast a _____ Till May be out" Proverb
  3. 3. "In the Spring, I have counted 136 kinds of _______ inside 24 hours" Mark Twain
  4. 7. "April hath put a spirit of ____ in everything" William Shakespeare
  5. 9. "Spring is the time of _____ and projects" Leo Tolstoy
  6. 10. "And Spring arose on the garden fair, Like the _____ of Love felt everywhere;" Percy Shelley
  7. 13. "Spring has returned. The ____ is like a child that knows poems." Rainer Maria Rilke