
  1. 1. In Spring, clocks spring_____.
  2. 3. Easter Sunday follows the first full ___ after the Spring Equinox.
  3. 4. March 20, 2013 is the Spring _____.
  4. 5. Many believe Spring symbolizes_____.
  5. 7. Romans established ___25 as the Vernal, spring, Equinox.
  6. 9. Marshmallow shaped chicks.
  7. 12. During the Spring Equinox, days and nights are equal.
  8. 13. Another word for the Middle of March.
  9. 15. Teutonic Goddess of Spring and fertility.
  10. 17. Spring break for Las Positas students starts the first of...
  11. 18. Most children go on ___hunts for Easter.
  1. 1. ____Bloom in Springtime.
  2. 2. Traditionally, children ____ eggs for Easter.
  3. 4. The 50 days following Easter Sunday is called...
  4. 6. The hider of eggs.
  5. 8. In India they celebrate the ____Festival at the end of winter.
  6. 10. Easter is traced back to ____traditions.
  7. 11. The 40 days leading up to Easter.
  8. 14. Every student is waiting for Spring____.
  9. 16. The Chinese New Year is also know as the ____Festival.