Sputum Investigation

  1. 2. Odour characteristic of abscesses, lung gangrene, purulent bronchitis.
  2. 4. cells of the bronchi of a healthy person constantly produce the necessary amount of sputum
  3. 8. Containing both mucus and pus (mucoid and purulent)
  4. 9. a specific type of mucus that originates in your lungs and throat
  1. 1. thickness of sputum, dependent on the content of microbes' proteolytic enzymes
  2. 3. containing pus, yellow/ greenish-yellow in colour
  3. 5. Hair like projections lining parts of the respiratory tract that help move mucus along
  4. 6. Accumulation of white blood cells at the site of inflammation
  5. 7. abnormal secretion of the respiratory tract (lungs, bronchi, trachea, larynx) that is secreted by coughing or expectoration.
  6. 10. Cells of the respiratory system that produce mucus