
  1. 3. What started our relationship
  2. 5. Favorite food to get together
  3. 11. late night runs
  4. 12. name of my real dad
  5. 13. name of my dog
  6. 14. month of our anniversary
  7. 16. the first car I drove
  8. 17. name of my moms shop
  9. 18. My major
  10. 21. how many siblings I have
  11. 22. the first school I went to
  12. 24. shoe size
  13. 25. the person I dislike the most
  14. 26. my only full blood sibling
  15. 27. my cars name
  16. 28. my comfort show (abbr.)
  17. 29. favorite color
  18. 31. number of kids
  1. 1. Where we first met
  2. 2. my body count
  3. 4. the ducks name in my car
  4. 6. dream dog
  5. 7. my bestie
  6. 8. College I go to
  7. 9. my first job
  8. 10. when I met my step dad
  9. 13. when I had my first kiss
  10. 15. three am runs
  11. 19. person who taught me to drive
  12. 20. my second boyfriend
  13. 23. dream place to live
  14. 25. where we started talking
  15. 30. my new roomie