SRM 1 / Plate Tectonics

  1. 1. Molten rock inside the earth
  2. 4. A violent shaking of the ground caused by plate tectonics
  3. 6. These large, flat, pieces of the crust rub together to create earthquakes
  4. 8. The layer above the asthenosphere. It is composed of the crust and the hard upper mantle
  5. 9. A large crack in the earth at a plate boundary. They are the results of earthquakes
  6. 11. The rising and falling of material in the asthenosphere, these cause plate tectonics
  7. 12. Earthquakes happen at these types of plate boundaries
  8. 14. This logarithmic scale measures the amount of energy released in an earthquake
  1. 2. This is a qualitative scale that is based on observations; measures the effects and damage of earthquakes
  2. 3. The thin, rocky outer layer of the earth above the mantle
  3. 5. The layer below the lithosphere located in the mid-upper mantle. Convection currents take place here
  4. 7. These are also known as L-Waves; They travel slower than body waves and cause the most damage
  5. 10. Plate __________ are the study of the earth's plates and their movements
  6. 13. The layer below the crust; this layer is the majority of the earth's mass