SS Week 5 Crossword

  1. 4. There are currently ____ major religions practiced in Singapore
  2. 5. Practices and behaviors that are traditional and widely accepted among people in a particular group. (pg17)
  3. 7. _____is defined by a set of physical characteristics such as the colour of one's skin, hair and eyes.
  4. 8. __________refers to the history, cultural practices, language, customs, food among others (pg13)
  5. 12. HDB stands for ________ Development Board
  6. 13. among ______, it is common to eat with a well-cleansed right hand
  1. 1. celebrating a baby's first full month of life is a custom among the ________
  2. 2. Different individuals with unique identities create ______________ (pg 12)
  3. 3. in Singapore, shared experiences can help build a sense of ___________ (pg11)
  4. 6. During this festival, a floor decoration ade of coloured rice grains is created.
  5. 9. the 3 levels of identity are individual, ___________ and National
  6. 10. knowing ____ helps us understand the culture associated with it.
  7. 11. an example of a community identity