- 4. Fr. Trout is presenting about his _____ on February 19th
- 6. All teens are invited to attend this special Mass on Sunday!
- 9. The bed ministry builds beds on every _____ night.
- 10. When Lent begins
- 11. This Priest is leading the Lenten Mission kickoff reflection on February 21st.
- 12. Our current homily series theme is: A Whole New ______.
- 1. At our upcoming community dinners, we're serving pizza and _____.
- 2. This Saint's Feast Day is February 14th.
- 3. Carmel Catholic High School is hosting this big event this weekend.
- 5. Parishioner, Sheila Tucker, won the Golden ____ Award this past weekend.
- 7. The Women's Guild is hosting ____ for the Soul on March 8th.
- 8. This month, the food pantry is looking for bags made out of this material.