St. Paul/Minnesota

  1. 2. What is the abbreviation of `striving to
  2. 4. The boys and Girls Club helps American
  3. 7. cities What is another name for St. Paul?
  4. 8. How many kids(out of 10)won't graduate on
  5. 9. the hours 3 and 7 p.m?
  6. 11. steering and …
  7. 12. At what age are they allowed to go
  8. 14. How many per night?... hundred
  9. 15. What kinds of artists are helping in the
  10. 17. 2nd grade.
  1. 1. and parents, because they provide
  2. 3. How many kids do the club serve per year? ...thousand
  3. 5. How many Boys and Girls Clubs are in
  4. 6. reading success´?
  5. 10. What kind of crime spikes upwards
  6. 11. room?
  7. 13. area?
  8. 16. STARS is “ ….” ” for kids Kindergarten