St. Peter's Class Mid-Year Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. A brief summary of what people believe. The Apostle's' Creed is a summary of Christian beliefs.
  2. 4. The word comes from the Latin misericordia, which in turn comes from the two words miseria, meaning wretchedness, misery or affliction, and cor, meaning heart. Thus, etymologically mercy means a heart for the wretchedness or affliction of another. Or, as we understand it in English, it means compassion or pity.
  3. 6. The return of Jesus to heaven. In the Acts of the Apostles it is written that Jesus, after his Resurrection, spent 40 days on earth, instructing his followers. He then returns to his Father in heaven.
  4. 10. The Sacrament in which we give our thanks to God for giving us Jesus Christ. The Body and Blood of Christ, which we receive at Mass, brings us into union with Jesus' saving Death and Resurrection.
  5. 11. Means "good news." The good news of God's mercy and love. We experience this news in the story of Jesus' live Death, and Resurrection. The story is presented to us four books in the New Testament: the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
  6. 13. A solemn agreement between people or between people and God. Good made covenants with humanity through agreement with Noah, Abraham, and Moses. These covernants offered salvation. God's new and finals covenant was established through Jesus' life, Death, and Resurrection.
  7. 16. The trust that God will always be with us. We also trust that he will make us happy.
  8. 17. The adoration and honor given to God in public prayer.
  9. 18. One of the simple stories that Jesus told to show us what the Kingdom of God is like. Parables present images or scenes, drawn from every ay life. These images show us the radical, or serious, choice we make when we respond to the invitation to enter the Kingdom of God.
  10. 19. The holy writings collected in the Old and New Testaments.
  11. 21. The leader of the evil spirits. His name means "adversary." God allows Satan to tempt us.
  12. 22. The passing on to others, by our words and actions, the faith that we have been given. Every Christian has the duty to give witness to the good news about Jesus Christ that he or she has come to know.
  1. 1. The gift of God divine to us without our deserving it. Sanctifying grace fills us with his life and enables us to always be his friends. Graces also helps us live as God wants us to.
  2. 3. A follower of Jesus.
  3. 5. One of the men specially chosen by Jesus to spread his message.
  4. 7. On February 11, 1858, Mary appeared to 14-year-old Bernadette Soubirous. This was the first of 18 visits, many of them with 20,000 people present. When Bernadette asked the Lady’s identity, she replied, “I am the Immaculate Conception.”
  5. 8. The work of Jesus Christ that is continued in the Church through the Holy Spirit. The mission of the Church is proclaim salvation through Jesus' life, Death, and Resurrection.
  6. 9. The renewal of friendship after that friendship has been broken by some action or lack of action. In the Sacrament of Reconciliation, through Gods' mercy and forgiveness, we are reconciled with God the Church, and others.
  7. 10. To share the good news by word or example of the salvation we have received in Jesus Christ. Jesus commission his disciples to go forth into the world and tell the good news.
  8. 12. will Our ability to choose to do good because God has made us like him.
  9. 14. Means "anointed with oil." it is from a Hebrew word that means the same as the Greek word for Christ, the name given to Jesus after the Resurrection.
  10. 15. An act of wonder that cannot be explained by natural causes but is a work of God. In the Gospels, Jesus works miracles as a sign that the Kingdom of God is present in his ministry.
  11. 20. A choice we make on purpose that offends God and hurts our relationships with other people.
  12. 23. MichaeltheArchangel,