STA 23-02 CH3 UNIT 2

  1. 4. "to put into words"
  2. 6. the __ amendment governs police contact with individuals by protecting people from unreasonable search and seizure by the gov
  3. 7. __ v U.S. addressed pretext stops
  4. 11. the failure to behave with the level of care that a reasonably prudent person would have exercised under the same circumstances
  5. 12. a probable cause affidavit is also called:
  6. 14. a court order that temporarily restricts a person's access to firearms for up to one year
  7. 15. towing a vehicle at the direction of law enforcement
  1. 1. any force that is likely to cause death or great bodily harm
  2. 2. this must have probable cause
  3. 3. there are __ lawful categories of people who may own, possess, and use firearms and other weapons for lawful purposes
  4. 5. the person who swears to the affidavit and signs it
  5. 8. this is the deprivation of a persons liberty by legal authority
  6. 9. U.S. v __ justifies probable cause in the search of a lawfully stopped vehicle including every part of the vehicle and its contents
  7. 10. __ damages result from the defendant's actions
  8. 13. this encounter is a voluntary conversation without suspicion to correlate with it