Stacey's Baby Shower

  1. 4. An emotion or feeling for your baby
  2. 5. Test used to assess a baby's health at birth
  3. 6. Mature female reproductive cell
  4. 8. Sound a baby makes when distressed
  5. 9. A developing human of 2-8 weeks gestation
  6. 10. Number of primary teeth in gums at birth
  7. 11. Worn to collect bodily fluids
  8. 13. Male parent of a child
  9. 14. Female parent of a child
  10. 16. Something to keep you warm
  11. 17. Tightening of the muscles of the uterus
  1. 1. Yellowish substance found in bile
  2. 2. Transportation for a baby or child
  3. 3. Bubs possible star sign
  4. 7. Meaning Uterus or womb
  5. 10. A division of duration of pregnancy
  6. 12. Common word used in end stage labour
  7. 15. Space between bones of skull in a infant