Staff Crossword (Phobias) Good Luck!!

  1. 4. Fear of new things
  2. 10. Fear of wild animals
  3. 11. Fear of birds
  4. 12. Fear of cleaning
  5. 15. Fear of dolls
  6. 19. Fear of being photographed
  7. 20. Fear of needles of injections
  8. 21. Fear of fish
  9. 22. Fear of bad breath
  10. 23. Fear of fears/phobias
  11. 24. Fear of being looked at
  12. 26. Fear of bees
  13. 27. Fear of new technology
  14. 28. Fear of the elderly
  15. 30. Fear or swallowing
  16. 32. Fear of spiders
  17. 35. Fear of thunder and lightning
  18. 36. Fear of darkness
  19. 37. Fear of heat
  20. 38. Fear of being alone
  21. 39. Fear of fire
  22. 40. Constant fear without cause
  1. 1. Fear of the number 13
  2. 2. Fear of being out of mobile phone contact
  3. 3. Fear of death
  4. 5. Fear of flowers
  5. 6. Fear of germs/dirt
  6. 7. Fear of dentists
  7. 8. Fear of working
  8. 9. Fear of water
  9. 13. Fear of the number 666
  10. 14. Fear of growing old or ageing
  11. 16. Fear of bright colours
  12. 17. Fear or butterflies/moths
  13. 18. Fear of the colour yellow
  14. 25. Fear of failure
  15. 29. Fear of forests, trees or wood
  16. 31. Fear of children
  17. 33. Fear of crossing the road
  18. 34. Fear of sleep